Chris and I went to the OB on Friday for a monthly check and another ultrasound to confirm the presence of a fetal gall stone, yes, a gall stone in the baby NOT me! Sadly, we didn't have our regular sonographer, and we really like her. Unlike our last appointment when the baby just stayed in the same spot, this time Baby White was moving like crazy! It was hard for the sonographer to take pictures because BW moved so quickly. However, when she took a look at the gall bladder, there was NOTHING in it. No little white calcium looking stones, so it must be gone. Chris and I were able to see it the first time and on Friday, it was definitely not there. So, that is good news, I suppose. I was watching while she was taking measurements of the head, femur, etc, and sometimes the estimated due date was July 26, sometimes July 30 or 31. Usually, it predicts early August based on these measurements. When she was measuring the femur, from the baby's bottom, I didn't see any boy parts hanging out, but then again, I didn't see any girl parts either. I like playing this guessing game. The doctor quickly measured the baby's heartbeat (I think he said 120 or 130 beats/minute), which 50% of the time means its a boy, because baby boys have a slower heart rate than females. I am still guessing it is a girl. A very active girl, I might add. I also spoke to the doctor about my insomnia and he said I could take Benadryl, BUT it might still have me up in the middle of the night because it has a short half life. If Benadryl doesn't work, he can write me a RX for Ambien. I haven't tried the Benadryl yet. I meant to last night but I didn't feel like getting out of bed when I realized I forgot to take it. I wish I had though because I was wide awake at 2 a.m. and I am pretty sure I was awake for hours. I am very tired this morning. I guess I will have to try the Benadryl tonight. Our next OB appt is scheduled for May 12. In the meantime, I have to take the gestational diabetes test, which involves drinking a very sugary substance and having the phlebotomists take my blood before and after the drink. Keep your fingers crossed, because I have really been enjoying carbs and sugary food for the past few months! :)
There are only 15.5 weeks left of being pregnant, I can not believe it. It is time to start getting serious about baby furniture and baby preparation.
Chris thinks the first picture looks like a ghost hand with three fingers is holding the baby.

This past weekend, Chris and I went out on Dale's boat with Dale and Nick. I am not too sure how much the baby enjoyed it, because all night on Saturday, he/she kicked and punched. It was odd to feel movements on the left, middle, and right simultaneously. I take this as "don't put me on a boat that is bouncing up and down for six hours." Sorry, kiddo, it was fun for me, and we will probably do it again.
On Sunday, we looked at our mail from Saturday and got another letter from our Homeowner's Association about the weeds (again!!), and that our roof/fascia/sidewalks/driveway need to be pressure washed, so we rented a pressure washer from Home Depot and did that on Sunday. Chris did most of the work, but I did help. I also did some weeding, a weekly chore around here now.
Until something else interesting happens in my life, I shall remain blog-less. :)
Very interesting about the heart beat. Our baby girl is coming in at around 144 you could be onto something! We won't know until late July or early August!
Come on now, you can surely think of things to entertain me on a regular basis!
Tell Chris that I am with him on the boy vote and that ghost hand comment was creepy.
Great news on the lack of gall stones!
Seriously, blog more. The baby will want to read all about this time when he/she is older (says the woman who started a blog when her daughter was 2 months old...I live to be hypocritical).
Ooooh, and homeowners associations suck.
I'm glad the stone was gone! I think the baby looks so cute in that ultrasound pic of the profile. I can totally see you with both a boy and girl, so it's going to be fun to find out with you all!! Fun to read the updates.
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