Well, I am down to 8 weeks, 1 day, but when you say that in days....57 to be exact, it seems MUCH shorter. WOW, 57 more days until we meet BW.
We have been attending childbirth classes. So far we have been to three. I am enjoying them and learning a lot. I am glad we decided to do this. It is good to learn about the stages of labor and the processes involved.
We went on a tour of the hospital last night. That was neat, we got to see the triage rooms, labor and delivery, nursery (although no babies are ever in the nursery), and post-partum rooms. The tour made this experience more real too! We have some friends in class (Sascha and Tim) and they are only 6 weeks away from delivery. WOW again!
Our homework for this week's class is to pack our hospital bag. I started a list a few weeks ago, so I feel pretty confident that I will have what I need. I picked out the baby's going home outfit this morning. Chris really wants to have something more boy or more girl but I think we should just go with our yellows and greens. I am packing two just in case one is more girlie or more masculine than the other for my husband's taste.
On to some GOOD news: I have been sleeping. I still wake up a couple of times a night, but now, I am not awake for hours at a time. And, knock on wood, I haven't had a charlie horse in over a week! I can feel them coming on sometimes, so I just flex my foot and get rid of it.
Next doctor's appointment is Monday, June 9. I have been holding at a 20 lb weight gain for the past three weeks, so that might mean he will want to do an ultrasound to make sure baby is on target. And, yes, I have been eating! Lots, actually.
This week, I am going to my favorite city on earth, Miami. Just kidding, it is not my favorite, but I will be down there from Wednesday through Friday. Doctor's orders say no more flying after this week, so this will be my last flight. He also said no driving long distances, but if I have to, I must get out of the car every hour or so and walk around. Oh, the life of a sales representative while pregnant...
Here's my latest pictures from last night. Chris wanted a close up too.
It's all going by so fast! You look beautiful! Hopefully you won't have to do too many long drives...I swear, sometimes my ankles swell if I just look at them wrong!
You look so cute pregnant. I can't wait to find out. You look like you are carrying a boy, but you know how that goes. It's going to be such a fun surprise!
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