Monday, September 15, 2008

Not so much

Well, the fifth night was NOT a charm. We knew it would happen because Brooke slept pretty much the whole day yesterday, just waking up to eat and hang out for a few minutes before dozing off again. I nursed her somewhere in the 10 o'clock hour, gave her to Chris to burp (did you know they used to use the word 'bubble' for burp?), I passed out on recliner, we all went to bed somewhere around midnight (maybe a bit earlier??), and she woke up at 3:45 crying. So, I changed her and fed her and she went back to sleep. Today, we will work on staying awake a bit longer so everyone can have a restful night.

As for me today, I have my six week post partum check up. Then, I thought Brooke and I would head to the book store and the grocery store. I want to get a book with developmental milestones. Brooke is definitely exploring her voice more and made the sweetest sound this morning while hanging out in her bassinet. Both Chris and I heard it and smiled at each other. We just love her so much.

She is napping in her crib, although I hear her every so often. I better get in the shower before she decides she is DONE with the nap.

Oh, and NINE more days of her hip harness. WOO HOO!

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