Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
More pics

First time at the beach (evening)
On the first leg of our flight home from KY
And, it happened again. Can't post the rest of the pics! Look for more later.
She's just getting so big!

Sleeping on the plane with her favorite puppy
Louisville was a lot colder than Florida. We had to buy outfits with pants to keep her warm. While in Kentucky, we visited family in Lexington, visited Parker's grave (our Jack Russell who died when he was two), went to Jodee's wedding, and hung around downtown Louisville. Brooke was really good, with the exception of staying awake until 1:30 am on Thursday night.

Hanging with Sydlowski
Brrr...it's cold in Kentucky
Drew, Pattie, and Bryan in Lexington
Parker's grave in Indiana

First bath in a sink.
Liz, Chris, Brooke at wedding

Daddy and Brooke on the dance floor
Casey and Brooke
The Bride and Groom
Jodee and Todd
Congrats guys!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Guess Who Is Sleeping in Her Own Room???

Foot hanging out

Looking at her mobile...
Smiley baby in the morning
And, tomorrow, we are off to Louisville for a wedding. We are also going to visit some family in Lexington while we are in Kentucky.
Oh, and Brooke is in her crib for the second night in a row. She went to sleep at 9:54 tonight, that's WAY earlier than she usually goes to bed! But, we did have a tiring day, out running errands and meeting with friends from 9:45 until 2:15.
Look for more pictures soon!
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008
No more harness, yippie!

Morning of pediatrician appointment
Let's see what else she has been doing. For the past few weeks (maybe 4-5 weeks), she has been sleeping through the night. Her least amount of time is 5 hours, but she usually sleeps for 8-10 hours. People keep telling us that we are lucky and boy, do we know it...we only had a couple of nights of sleeplessness, and those were not enjoyable.
Brooke has been smiling a lot more on her own (without gas being the instigator!). Her daddy can get her to smile when he blows in her face or when I do raspberries in the air.
Sadly, I go back to work three weeks from today. I am really going to miss her. I love spending the day with her and running errands with her. I think she will miss me too, but at least she will have her daddy with her during the day. He's still looking for a way to make money from home, so if any one has any ideas, we are definitely open to them. :)
Pictures below:

First time in the pool.
Florida/Tennesse Game.
Second time wearing pants.
After her bath.
Isn't she adorable? Looking at her daddy.
With Mommy in Baby Bjorn (and wearing Robeez shoes!)
In another sling with daddy (yes, that is a wife beater he is wearing!)
All stretched out. No flash because it wakes her up and we don't need that....