Okay, it's been a week since she has been harness-less, but I just haven't felt like taking the time to upload pictures and whatnot...I promise I will get better.
Last Friday, Brooke had an appointment with the orthopaedist and had a repeat X-ray. After the X-ray, we went into an exam room and got the good news as soon as we walked in. She needs to go back in six weeks for a follow up, but the doctor says her hips are perfect! YEA! We thought about having a burning party for the harness, but really 1) it wasn't THAT bad, and 2) we need to show her this harness when she is older and 3) maybe we could use it as an embarassment when she in her teens. Just kidding about that last one...and for doing so great, she got a jogging stroller as a gift!
We also had a pediatrician appointment yesterday. Brooke now weighs 11 lbs, 6 oz and is 24 inches long. She is growing so much. Her height is in the 90th percentile and her weight and head circumference are in the 75th percentile. Both Chris and I thought she would be 25 inches, but she's not...she just seems so long! She also had her first set of vaccinations. The first was an oral liquid, she wasn't too fond of it and kept gagging on it. The others were needles in her leg! I thought she was handling it fine, but then she turned bright red, held her breath and let out such a scream! It was so sad! Her daddy picked her up and soothed her and she was much better. The vaccinations knocked her out. We left there around 10:30 and she was still sleeping at 2:30. I decided to wake her up to eat since she hadn't eaten since 8:30. So, all in all, yesterday was a long day, but she handled it well.

Morning of pediatrician appointment
Let's see what else she has been doing. For the past few weeks (maybe 4-5 weeks), she has been sleeping through the night. Her least amount of time is 5 hours, but she usually sleeps for 8-10 hours. People keep telling us that we are lucky and boy, do we know it...we only had a couple of nights of sleeplessness, and those were not enjoyable.
Brooke has been smiling a lot more on her own (without gas being the instigator!). Her daddy can get her to smile when he blows in her face or when I do raspberries in the air.
Sadly, I go back to work three weeks from today. I am really going to miss her. I love spending the day with her and running errands with her. I think she will miss me too, but at least she will have her daddy with her during the day. He's still looking for a way to make money from home, so if any one has any ideas, we are definitely open to them. :)
Pictures below:

First time in the pool.
Florida/Tennesse Game.
Second time wearing pants.
After her bath.
Isn't she adorable? Looking at her daddy.
With Mommy in Baby Bjorn (and wearing Robeez shoes!)
In another sling with daddy (yes, that is a wife beater he is wearing!)
All stretched out. No flash because it wakes her up and we don't need that....
YAY Congrats on the harnesslessness :) (Wow thats a lot of ess). She's precious-- I love all that hair! And pat yourselves on the backs for that sleeping business. You endured a bit of crying to get there I'm sure. Good work and I hope it continues!!
She's so beautiful! Congrats on a successful 9 weeks!
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