Friday, August 1, 2008

In the hospital

Today's the day. We've been here for almost two hours. My blood pressure is a bit high which is probably due to nerves. The doctor broke my water a little over one hour ago. It's very strange feeling and the fluid doesn't stop coming!

Everything is going well. Having a contraction right now, Chris is monitoring them for me. He knows before I am about to have one.

The nurse just said my contractions are 3-4 mins apart. She thinks I am doing well. They aren't too bad, but they aren't the best feeling either. :)

Oh, and blood pressure has dropped.


Courtney&Chris said...

I'm checking in like a mad woman-- can't wait to hear -- baby boy or girl White and the stats... Hope you are doing well. Thoughts and prayers have been coming your way since yesterday morning :)

Anonymous said...

congrats on your baby girl (i knew!). i am sure chris told you i called yesterday, but i know you are busy. just wanted you guys to know i have been thinking of you! can't wait to see you and your new addition.