On Tuesday night, Chris and I decided to let Brooke cry herself to sleep. We knew she wasn't hungry, or wet, but she has this need to be rocked/soothed to sleep. We decided we can't have that happen every night anymore. So, at 10:55, we put her in her bassinet. We said we would give her till 11:10 and if she was still crying, we would get her. Well, she cried for those 15 minutes, but she did get a bit calmer towards the end, so we decided 10 more minutes will be good, but she cried till 11:20, and then we gave her 10 more minutes again, and she fell right asleep at 11:30. That's the time she has been going to bed, so 35 minutes of crying and she passed out.
We planned to do the same thing last night, but then this happened:
I gave her 4 oz of pumped breast milk and she passed out at 10:30 and then slept till 7:15 this morning! WOW!!! We were not expecting her to sleep for 9 hours. I didn't even hear a peep out of her all night, so I am going to try giving her a bottle again tonight to see how it works.
So, for those of you who don't like math: that's almost 9 hours straight of sleep for our 5.75 week old!
Here is a picture of her without spikes, she had just gotten a bath. She isn't too happy, she wanted to be held:
And, here's a picture of Brooke in her crib. It looks like she is wearing suspenders. Only 13 more days of harness, hopefully:

On her changing table. Is she about to sneeze???
Darling! That's a great way to start out her sleep pattern. Weston's still not going that long! It is hard to let them cry to sleep, but I know those that have done it say it's great. She is so cute & I hope they take off that sling.
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