Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby update Week 35

Well, according to our doctor, the baby has flipped into the head down position. The doctor had to squeeze my abdomen very hard but he said he felt the head yesterday. He said that when he starts internal exams next week or the week after, he will know for sure if the head is down. Weird. Since the appointment yesterday, the baby has been moving like crazy. Maybe he/she is happy to be in the right position, or maybe he/she is mad that the doctor pushed so hard on him/her.

I will have to have Chris take a picture of me tonight since it has been a few weeks. The doctor is still very happy with my weight gain. I gained one pound in the past two weeks and saw a number on the scale that was very NEW to me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Furniture is Here!!!

The baby furniture arrived on Friday morning at 5:20 a.m. I think that is the earliest delivery on record...they let us know the day before it would be that early, so we weren't surprised by the phone call at 5:15 telling us they were outside with the truck!

Here are the boxes:

Chris was very surprised that I didn't try to drag any of the boxes through the house during the day. The lightest box was 35 lbs. While dinner was cooking, Chris brought the boxes through the house. We first set up the crib...

It wasn't that hard, but two people were definitely needed.

And, the dressers were already assembled...life is good! The drawers are somewhat full of the necessary items. I ordered new shades for the nursery too, they should be here within two weeks.

Yesterday, we bought a swing and a monitor. We now have almost everything, except a place to sit when we are in the nursery.

And, of course, the dogs were involved in most of the steps...except when the vacuum was out. They don't like the vacuum and I had the Roomba in the room as well as my little vacuum.

The dogs can't wait for the new addition, yeah right. It will be very interesting to see how they handle a baby, especially since they are used to getting all of our attention.

Our childbirth class has ended. We learned a lot and had a pretty good time each week.

Good luck to Sascha and Tim who are due in 3 weeks!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun Blog

I got this idea from another blogger. You have to do 10 things with no preparation. You'll see...

1. Dream Vacation:

I want to go back to Hawaii but spend 10 days there!

2. Self Portrait (taken just seconds ago). Sorry, no belly and no make-up and air dried hair. Wow..I wish I could do a ponytail! I don't know if my camera has an auto shoot feature. Getting a new camera soon...

3. What are the kids doing? I don't have a kid YET, so I took pictures of the dogs. Maddie follows me everywhere, she was laying with Ellie, so they are separate in their pictures.

4. My closet. Yes, those are purses on the top shelf. And, towards the back, that is mostly Chris' mess. He has taken over some of my shelves. These are also the clothes that I can't wear. I keep my maternity stuff in baby's closet, which requires me to walk to to the other side of our split plan house to pick out my clothes. Not the brightest idea...

5. My favorite room. Currently, I like spending time in the nursery-to-be. As you can see, it is a huge work in progress, but I would spend most of the day there if I could.

6. Favorite shoes. My reefs, of course.

7. Laundry room. Waiting for the doors to be put on the cabinets. It's been quite a few months since the cabinets went up (our old cabinets from kitchen). Maybe I will have doors before baby comes! :) This is the one room we painted on our own, my brother (the painter) did the rest of the house. I do not like painting, I had it everywhere...ceiling, floor, etc

8. Second bathroom. Not much to say.

9. Kitchen sink. I need to put the plastic stuff in recycling container. Chris makes protein smoothies before he leaves for work (hence the blender).

10. My fridge. Yes, there is NO food! There are two bottles of champagne (from our honeymoon...oops!). Maybe we will pop those when Baby comes! I need to go to grocery store like NOW!

Now, you should do this! :)

Update from Doctor's appointment

Can you believe it? It's already almost the middle of June, and we are getting closer and closer to meeting the baby! I had my almost 33 week appointment yesterday afternoon. The doctor says everything is going fine and is happy with my current weight gain (26 lbs). I also learned in the past two weeks that I passed my second screen for gestational diabetes, which was great news!

Chris asked the doctor if we could have an ultrasound, and he said SURE! He said there are no concerns for the baby, but if we wanted another picture, we could have it.

While in the ultrasound room, we learned that the baby is in breech position (butt first), but he/she still has a couple of weeks to move into head first position (and there is plenty of amniotic fluid for baby to move). Also, and this was very surprising, the baby's head is measuring 17-19 days bigger than the rest of the body! When they do these measurements, estimated due dates pop up on the screen. I noticed that both head measurements gave dates of July 11 and July 13! There are a couple of possible reasons for this: 1. Baby just has a huge head (we like to say with lots of brains!) 2. Since baby is in breech position, the head is not squished in the pelvic area, which could account for the large diameter. The baby's femur and other body parts are measuring on target with original due date (July 30), so I guess we will just have to wait and see. But, this could mean that baby comes early, which I wasn't counting on, so time to get a little more serious! We also learned and saw that the baby has a lot of hair on his/her head. Odd, we didn't know you could see that in an ultrasound, but the sonographer pointed it out (moving in the fluid). She also checked on the gall stone again and the gall bladder has definitely gotten a lot bigger in the last 10 weeks and there was no gall stone! According to all of the measurements taken, the baby weighs 4 lbs, 6 oz, but our childbirth instructor always tells us those measurements can be two pounds off. Still, we could end up with a big baby with a large head!

We are still waiting on the furniture to be delivered. It should be here within the next couple-few weeks. Slowly, the baby's room is getting to be more organized, but it is kind of difficult without furniture. My hospital bag is packed (childbirth instructor had us do this last week!) I am grateful for the classes we have been taking. We have learned a lot about labor and the whole birthing process. Tonight, we are attending a class "Night Out with the Anesthiologist" to learn more about pain options. You might be wondering this...I hope to forego the epidural and do this au natural (or maybe with a little bit of a narcotic called Stadol), but I am hoping to shoo away the anesthiologist with his/her epidural needle. But, I say this now, who knows how I will feel with a big headed baby on his/her way out. We shall see.

Other than that, everything is going well for us. Just counting the days...

Baby Foot

Baby Muscle

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Belly Button

I have been thinking this for awhile....I don't think my child likes my internal belly button, because he/she is constantly kicking it or punching it, who knows what it looks like from in there! Every time I get a movement around that area, it really doesn't feel that great...so I am thinking my baby is trying to make me have an outtie button! I do not want that...come on, only 7 weeks left, keep it like it is, Baby! But, as you can see, I do not have an innie button anymore, it is kind of just flat! :(

Here's just my belly!

Doctor's appointment this afternoon! More details to follow soon!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What's been going on....

Well, I am down to 8 weeks, 1 day, but when you say that in days....57 to be exact, it seems MUCH shorter. WOW, 57 more days until we meet BW.

We have been attending childbirth classes. So far we have been to three. I am enjoying them and learning a lot. I am glad we decided to do this. It is good to learn about the stages of labor and the processes involved.

We went on a tour of the hospital last night. That was neat, we got to see the triage rooms, labor and delivery, nursery (although no babies are ever in the nursery), and post-partum rooms. The tour made this experience more real too! We have some friends in class (Sascha and Tim) and they are only 6 weeks away from delivery. WOW again!

Our homework for this week's class is to pack our hospital bag. I started a list a few weeks ago, so I feel pretty confident that I will have what I need. I picked out the baby's going home outfit this morning. Chris really wants to have something more boy or more girl but I think we should just go with our yellows and greens. I am packing two just in case one is more girlie or more masculine than the other for my husband's taste.

On to some GOOD news: I have been sleeping. I still wake up a couple of times a night, but now, I am not awake for hours at a time. And, knock on wood, I haven't had a charlie horse in over a week! I can feel them coming on sometimes, so I just flex my foot and get rid of it.

Next doctor's appointment is Monday, June 9. I have been holding at a 20 lb weight gain for the past three weeks, so that might mean he will want to do an ultrasound to make sure baby is on target. And, yes, I have been eating! Lots, actually.

This week, I am going to my favorite city on earth, Miami. Just kidding, it is not my favorite, but I will be down there from Wednesday through Friday. Doctor's orders say no more flying after this week, so this will be my last flight. He also said no driving long distances, but if I have to, I must get out of the car every hour or so and walk around. Oh, the life of a sales representative while pregnant...

Here's my latest pictures from last night. Chris wanted a close up too.