Monday, August 31, 2009

Brooke our little doggie.

Brooke figured out the doggie door last night. I was ready with the camera luckily.

She sees the dogs go out all the time and I have been waiting for her to crawl out!

So, here we go:

And, here's a picture looking all cute going to school today:

And, here are some pictures from Gymboree:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I am officially the worst blogger!

But, who has time to write so much on here...not me!

Let's see...all I really want to say is that Brooke is finally saying MOM! It's more "ma'am" but I like it and she uses it almost appropriately. :)

She's inching up on 13 months old.

Been in baby school for about 3 weeks. It's going well, she seems to like it, I hate to leave her there, but I have to.

Will try to get some pictures up soon as well as a video of "ma'am."

Oh, and since baby school started, she goes to bed at 8 p.m. She is so tired from playing with her friends all day. Tonight, she went to bed at 7:45 p.m.

And, another oh, I love her more and more every day!